Careers Wales

Transforming digital analytics capabilities for Careers Wales.

About Careers Wales

As the national body for careers and skills development in Wales, Careers Wales provides independent and impartial careers information, advice and guidance service for Wales. Careers Wales works with the Welsh Government.

The challenge

Following both a large-scale redesign of its website and the impending switchover from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, Careers Wales approached We Are Engines to help develop and implement a digital analytics strategy to join up measurement across their digital estate.

We Are Engines was also tasked with providing in-depth skills training across the information and marketing teams in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to enable the team implement its own tracking in the future.

Analytics workshop in progress

The solution

Through a series of stakeholder workshops and an in-depth audit of the existing digital estate, I worked with Careers Wales to develop a clear measurement strategy informed by the organisation’s core goals and audience needs.

Utilising Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager, I got to work implementing a raft of tracking updates and customisations to enable the team to measure its effectiveness in helping its users.

Google Analytics Dashboard

The results

With new applications and user journeys being continually being developed for the site, the measurement framework, tracking implementation and training has given the Careers Wales team the skills and confidence needed to own their implementation.

Looker Studio dashboards provide an up-to-date view of all overall site performance and key metrics, giving the team greater overall visibility of the impact of their efforts.

Careers Wales staff
Careers Wales logo

Mark Hoban, Careers Wales

“We are delighted with the service provided by We Are Engines. From being novice users of Google Analytics we now have a meaningful performance framework in place on which to assess our site’s performance.

Our Google Analytics account is now well structured from which we can run reports easily, with a range of conversions and events in place to monitor key performance areas more effectively.”

Services Provided